Musings on Planning a Day of Solo Gaming

Valentine’s Day is normally one of my favoritest days of the whole year. I’m not big on emotion as a general rule, but there’s something about Valentine’s Day that has always spoken to me. I make goody bags for people. These bags have changed as I’ve gotten older – personalized cards to sex toys to recipe journals. Hey! Don’t judge me! My interests are as varied as the friends I share them with. Anyway.

This Valentine’s Day I’m going to mix it up a bit. I’m going to play board games solo-ly? Is that a word? What I’m trying to say is that I’m going to play solo variants of some of the board games I own. Assuming the advanced search thing on BGG works, I’m sitting at about 50 games that offer solo play. Now, I won’t be playing all of these Saturday as I don’t know the rules to them all nor do I feel like learning them before then. I am, however, going to pick out several of them to play.

I was just going to talk about the ones I was going to play, but I think I’ll list them and whether or not I’ll be playing them. If I exclude something you think is worth a go, let me know. If your argument is compelling, I’ll do my best to learn the game and get it played. No guarantees. Oh yeah, they’re listed in order of rank on BGG in case you were wondering.

  1. Eldritch Horror: I have yet to play this, but I’ve played enough Arkham that maybe they’re similar?
  2. Suburbia: Yes.
  3. Lewis & Clark: Maybe.
  4. Space Alert: On loan at the moment.
  5. Mice and Mystics: Don’t know the rules.
  6. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: I am not smart enough to play this with two players; I’m not sure one player would prove any better.
  7. Imperial Settlers: Yes.
  8. Arkham Horror: Nope.
  9. Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin: Fuzzy on the rules.
  10. Friday: Yes.
  11. Escape: The Curse of the Tempe: Maybe.
  12. Luna: Fuzzy on the rules but feel compelled to revisit them.
  13. Merchant of Venus: Don’t know the rules.
  14. Elder Sign: Maybe.
  15. CO2: Don’t know the rules.
  16. Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age:  Maybe.
  17. Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game: Maybe.
  18. Peloponnes: Would need a rules refresh.
  19. D-Day Dice: Possibly.
  20. La Granja: Sure.
  21. Conquest of Planet Earth: Ehhh.
  22. Gravwell: Okay.
  23. Thunderstone Adavance: Worlds Collide: Fuzzy on the rules.
  24. Duel in the Dark: I don’t even see how this can be played solo, but I do like this game.
  25. Mousquetaires du Roy: Possibly.
  26. The aMAZing Labyrinth: Nope.
  27. SOS Titanic: Yes.
  28. Uluru: Yes because I like feeling like an idiot.
  29. The Battle of Kemble’s Cascade: Would need a rules refresh.
  30. Castle Dice: Nope.
  31. Lagoon: Sadly, it sits unlearned.
  32. Romolo o Remo: Don’t know it.
  33. Subdivision: Possibly.
  34. Harbour: Don’t know it.
  35. Blackbeard: Don’t know it.
  36. Skyline: Uhh..if I need something.
  37. Dungeon!: Nah.
  38. Dungeon Heroes: Don’t know it.
  39. Doodle Quest: Nope.
  40. Shadows Over Camelot: The Card Game: Nah.
  41. Schinderhannes: Don’t know it.
  42. Clocks: Nope.
  43. Castle Keep: Nope.
  44. Sumoku: I do like numbers…
  45. Richard Ritterschlag: Don’t know it.
  46. Snap: Nope.
  47. Fallen City of Karez: Don’t know it.
  48. Roll for It Express: Why not?
  49. Town Center: Obligated to pass.

There you have it. Nine games to play solo on Saturday. Should I add some? Learn some? Remove some?

This Sunday (possibly Saturday night) I plan on writing about my experience with them all, and, of course, I’ll tweet about them while I play.